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Your best and worst records.


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Offline X-5

Your best and worst records.
« on: August 25, 2007, 02:41:24 am »
heres a nice topic to let us find out each others weak spots so we know what levels we can easily kick their ass in, as cheap as that may be. anyway you don't have to list 5, you can list more or fewer if you want just don't list 9000. They don't have to be TSC records just times you are proud of(But for god sake atleast let them be redzone, if your proud of orange or worse you just suck)

TOP 5 BEST (Worst-Best)

5. Radical Highway M5 1:48.74

This is good except for one little spot. At the end after the big loop where the lifts are its possible to jump but not quite go through the floor, and homing attack the spring which will shoot you right through the boxes instead of having to roll attack them for 2-3 secs like I did. I've never done it in a run cuz I suck, but you should get an easy 1:46. Other than that, this record is good except for the fact that 1:48 speed is so fucking easy to get even if you suck, I could probably beat this within 5 mins even after not playing it in forever if that gives you the idea. I really don't know how no one else can get 1:48, you all must suck tons.

I'll throw Radical highway 1 in here too, 1:44 is pretty flawless and 1:43 is a matter of perfecting the stuff that looks flawless down to the hundreth, hoping like hell you don't get 1:44.01. A good record, just too easy.

4.Crazy Gadget M1 1:41.19 Even though it took me 10 minutes after not playing the level in forever its still pretty good, I would not really want to try to get sub 1:40, but I easily could if I felt like playing it until I got really good to the extent I could perfect everything.

3. City Escape M5 1:44.64 That's right, I bounced on the truck and screwed up the building and I still like this time. Why? This level is pure fucking HELL. The boarding part is supposed to be piss easy but noooooo, them bastard cars ALWAYS get in your way at atleast one point 75% of the time. Then up to the first check is hell because of the boxes and second rail, thanfully I can bounceball the first rail with a 90% success rate =) the boxes suck though my god.. I have 1:42.00 with checkpoint abuse now but I like 1:44 better :D

2. Green Hill 24.37What a run, what a time! You know why I like this, it ties Cybrax's DD time which I bet all of you thought was impossible. This record is permanent, it doesn't matter how good you get you won't beat or even tie it, because its impossible for anyone to be as good as me.

i'd also like to throw my DD time here also, it was hell but I did it. best run ever made.

1. Metal Harbor M1 1:13.67 The reason this beats green hill is because its 3 times longer and requires a hellish stunt near  the end. Really this run was that special, its my only run of a 1min+ level that has no real flaws whatsoever, I just could of maybe jumped out of that last loop a little quicker and my best rocket is 13.06 vs 12.70... but i'm happy to hit the damned lever at all so i'm not complaining. 1:12 would be godly, I would bow to you. But it probably won't happen, haha. this is the best run i've done for this site, i'll never top it,well not so fast atleast.


5. Pyramid Cave M1 1:54- God this sucks it should be 1:51 or 1:52, but I can't not screw up. Oh well. why doesn't someone improve this shit?

4. Sky rail M5 48:00- seriously wtf this was such a average play, why isn't the record good like in M1?

3. Green forest M2 37.22-  I got stuck on a fence for 0.5, showing how the record should totally be 36. I don't even know why I submitted this absymal shit, should of just left SS and yoshi their record as they deserve it more than my sucky ass play.

2. Final Rush M5 2:24- I grabbed a ledge which is like 3 seconds right there, the ending was bad and overall everything sucked. Sub 2:20 is where it gets okay, 2:17 or so might be "good"

1. City escape M3 1:24- NO LOOP TRICK = >:( thats why. yeah.

Cybrax is just impossible. lol

Now im really interested as what you guys feel is your absolute best.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2007, 02:50:25 am by Paragod »

Offline SadisticMystic

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2007, 03:46:15 am »

Security Hall 1 (5.79): Emeralds 2 and 1 both took 91 frames to get (the segment for 1 took 93, but only because of an inescapable 2-frame delay on the clock after meeting the mission goal), and even with full-on rapid pause to control my line I haven't been able to reach that any faster than that even on test runs where it doesn't have the emerald.  2.74 on emerald 3 is harder to judge, but it too is a personal best for that segment, and as micromanaged as the hunting stages are, this one is my best.

Egg Hornet Sonic (25.01): Plenty of incentive to improve on this just a small bit, but it just doesn't budge.  I've matched this record 7 times, but can't get the last hit in any faster, no matter what tricks I try--Eggman positioning tricks, light attack timing tricks, even attempts to use a ramp jump and they fall short.

Mad Space 2 (13.92): The level where I first learned to take advantage of rapid pause, and definitely a place where it shines.  The pause where Whistle first came up (to prepare for the first Treasure Scope use) was 0.10, and the line from that point on was tight enough to bring in TTs I wasn't expecting even with rapid pause.  When I made the m5 video revision, I tried for a while to update the 2 video along with it, but the first 200 tries brought me nothing on pace to be within even a half second of this record.

Pumpkin Hill 3 with Sonic (6.72): Because CodeBreaker just pwns.

Final Rush 1 (584 rings): Imagine going through Final Rush without skipping any rings.  There's so much terrain you have to cover without falling off at any number of points.  And yet that's only good for 529 GC or 534 DC.  Now imagine attempting to go through almost all of Final reverse.  Between the camera and the actual level layout, they don't even want such a thing to be possible.  But if you want 584, that's just what you have to do.  And then you still have to go forward through the level again, this time without dropping a ring.


Death Chamber 5 (36.89): The moment I set this, I knew it could be improved significantly--that's why I continued to expend another 4070 lives before picking up a tie and calling it enough for the time being.  A better dig-warp room could allow me to cut a much sharper corner in the out-of-bounds glide, and combined with not coming to a vertical stop briefly during the last dive, at least 2 seconds can come off.  Sadly, neither of the more recent improvements to 3 apply here (segmenting after key 1 is not successful in saving time), which makes 36.89 look worse than it used to.

Death Chamber 1 (8.67): As difficult as it is to even get these keys on a speedrun, this level has the most to give of the SA2 hunting 1s.  Watch the video and see just how long it took to prepare that last Spiral Upper. Just that one move done better makes breaking 8 a reality--to put it in perspective, the failed setup accounts for about 10% of the run time, equivalent to a 15-second flounder in Eternal Engine.

Casinopolis K (9.84): Someone get 7.xx or 6.xx already.

Sky Rail 3 (21.77): It's a Shadow level.  I'm me.  Something here can't possibly be right.

Cosmic Wall 1 with Sonic (7:47.15): Because CodeBreaker pwns a lot more than this.  Really, I think Sonic's time can rival or even beat Eggman's on this level, even if he can't finish it with any rings or rack up millions of points with little effort.

Offline JBertolli

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2007, 01:41:09 pm »
Don't have many records but for the ones I do have:


2. Lost Jungle - Chaotix (840 rings)
For my first try at going through at least 95% of the level, this was pretty lucky. But, I'd like someone to get close (or even beat it to see how high this can go).

1. Mystic Mansion - Rose (1:09.01)
This was delicious, probably 1:08.50 max, but what do I know.


2. Egg Fleet - Rose (732 rings)
I missed a few rings on the flower/propellor area. Also, it is possible to get 1 more ring from the first set of bonus rings and I don't think the second has been figured out. I'd say (if I got all rings not on propellor or rainbow ring areas) that 735-737 is max without the second rainbow rings, but, if they are possible, 747-749 is max. No one likes RAing this level, though.

1. Chaotix Total Rings (10,119 rings)
Don't know if this counts, but I'll mention that this sucks because 10,600 rings is easily possible if you know all the tricks and get some decent luck.

Offline Waxwings

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2007, 02:24:33 pm »
Okay. Here we go.


Meteor Herd 2 (39.74)

I had it. For a second.  My first TA record, until PK stole it from me less than five minutes later. >_> But yeah. I figured out a whole new strat roughly the same time that PK decided to do something similar, and I really stood no chance. But I'm still damn proud of this time.

Starry Night 1 Mighty (56.80)

It's TUSC, admittedly. But yeah, I studied the level too much.


Starry Night 1 Shadow (52.70)

Because it should be so easy to get him into the 40's.

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Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2007, 03:05:22 pm »
Don't have many, but I'll list a few.


Mad Matrix (552 rings)
When I knew a Rings division would soon be added for Shadow, I decided to add to yoshifan's map of the grid.  My original plan was just to add locations of the rings on the grid, but I eventually decided on showing where everything was.  I used this map to help out with RAing and, with very good check usage, I obtained 552, which I believe is max unless someone decides to try to use the checks differently.

Circus Park Hero mission (1:33.84)
The majority of this stage I figured out on my own originally.  When I subbed 2 minutes, I waited for SJ's vid to become available, since he had 1:48.  It didn't help me out much, so there was nothing I could do.  That is, however, until SJ stumbled upon a trick using the gongs on the stage while RAing, as I have done in the past.  I never applied it to TAing until then.  After a few improvements, I got it to a high 1:35, which SJ soon beat.  I got it back about a month later with a time that still remains unbeaten.

Lethal Highway Hero mission (8.44)
One day, I decided to try a more serious form of the trick I used in the past when TAing this.  After some testing, I found out an interesting note about the mission object.  I got the time down to 13.38, which I left alone for a while.  When I tried more testing a couple months later, I found out another way to attack the object.  I tried this and got a time of just under 10 seconds.  With a few more runs, I got it down to 8.44, which I believed was close to perfect.  As of a few days ago, I have gotten 8.44 a total of 4 times, and see no way to beat it, which marks my first truly perfect time.


Rail Canyon with Team Rose (531 rings)
I hate the trick used for this.  It's not my worst in terms of quality, but it's my worst in terms of what's used.  There's a trick used to get past the goal and get 123 extra rings, and I hate it.  It's one of the worst records I ever had to get due to its high level of difficulty.

Radical City for each 1-lap and 3-lap time (2.63 best lap [2.70 for GP], 34.93 3-lap [34.83 for GP])
This glitch ruined the stage.  I hate the glitch because once you're in the right spot once out, sometimes the game doesn't activate the next-lap trigger.  This was just frustrating to get the record on each of the 6 (especially TA).

Offline stanski

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2007, 05:29:08 pm »
Top 5:
Oil Ocean 1 sonic/knux: Someone may be able to smoothly make it under all 4 platforms halfway through the level without stopping, but I think stopping to spindash is faster.

Marble 1: Don't really see any improvement happening here.

Death Egg sonic: 12 hits on death egg before he rises, need I say more?

Hill Top 1 Sonic: You would have to get lucky with the pass through lava glitch putting you in the right spot to beat this. Otherwise it was hard as fuck to get :39 vs. 40

Wing fortress Sonic: This is perfect, only because of check abuse but whatever.

Worst records:
hill top 2 knux: wouldn't be hard to get :56 if i wasn't lazy.

Mystic caves 1 sonic/knux: This level is annoying as fuck

Wing fortress knux: Can't get 12 hits with knux

The only other bad ones i can think of are special stages in sonic 2, not that they are THAT bad, but i didn't concetrate on them a lot and just got good at them by playing them over and over during sonic 2 100% attempts.

Offline Stefan

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2007, 06:59:21 pm »
I don't really have many records, the only records I've got at all are in ssr which is an undeveloped game. However, I'll post here anyway.

Top Three:

1. Hot Shot (SA2) - Hot shot was my first boss record at this site (outof.. not very many) and i feel i've beaten it to death. I discovered a strange glitch months ago, and despite sharing, nobody else has beaten me. I really like this boss, and feel it's the greatest i've probably done.

2. Skeleton Dome mission 4 (SSR) - This mission pretty much defines SSR, never ceasing to run, finding ways around spikes, speed break hax, and just plain unsolid barriers. The sheer amount of luck this level needs is tremendous, and I got all of that with perfect speed break timing and various other tidbits.

3.  Security Hall mission 2 (SA2) - This is probably my most played mission of any game... I really feel it's the best I've done on sa2 and I can't really comment on it further.

Bottom Three:

1. Pirate Storm Mission 1 (SSR) It seems every time I play this level, I discover some ridculous new glitch/shortcut, but cannot replicate any of the others. This mission can certainly go under 2:30 if everything goes right, and probably a good deal under that.
2. Windy Valley Sonic Rings (SADX) - This is hated. pure hated. I got 40-40-40-40-1 as my randoms... that was far better than anyone had previously gotten, and will probably ever get again. Then, at the end, i hit some invisible barrier, skipped the downward run along the wall, and missed at least 30 rings. The worst part about this is taht I'm never getting that lucky again. I'd also'd have the score record here too =/.
3. Dinosaur Jungle Mission 10 (SSR) - This is the dreaded find the pterosaur egg mission.. With the proper luck the time can go under 2 mintues, probably under 1:30. That luck comes far too little, however, so I have to stick with a disgusting 2:40 :x.

Offline Pokemonmaster888

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2007, 10:13:49 am »
Here are some of my best and worst records. I'll list three for the best, and 2 for the worst. I can't remember another worst record that I have.

Best Records:

1. 02:29:21 for Shadow The Hedgehog - Cryptic Castle - Hero Mission.

I spent a really long time on this, finding every shortcut and secret the stage had to offer. I spent around a year or so on the stage alone, trying to get under 2 minutes and 30 seconds. However, I didn't try that hard enough until recently, and I managed to achieve that goal. Fufilling a year-long goal felt great.

2. 491 rings for Sonic Heroes - Seaside Hill - Team Dark.

Wow. Getting this amazed me. I just decided one day to see if two more rings were possible for the two Speed Formation Trick Ring sets. It took a while, but I managed to devise a well thought out method of getting 14 rings for the first set of Trick Rings. Naturally, I tried this method on the second set of Trick Rings. After some very minor alterations to the method, I got 14 rings for the second set of Trick Rings. I can't believe it took so much planning just to get 2 more rings. Well, it was worth doing it.

3. 539 rings for Sonic Heroes - Rail Canyon - Team Dark.

Well, the only tough thing about getting this was the first set of Trick Rings. They were the Power Formation type. However, they were very difficult to get 13 rings for. It took some long experimenting, but I managed to get 13 rings. After doing that, the rest of the stage was easy.

Worst Records:

1. 00:08:44 for Shadow The Hedgehog - Lethal Highway - Hero Mission.

When I first got this, I thought 00:08:43 or faster was possible. I still think so. Due to the ease of me being able to get this, that is why I think it is one of my worst records. I might keep trying to get 00:08:43. This isn't the worst of my worst records, but it still qualifies for the worst, in my opinion.

2. 01:33:58 for Sonic Heroes - Grand Metropolis - Extra - Team Rose.

All I can say is I had many mistakes. I remember saying to myself that I could get well under 1 minutes and 30 seconds right after I got the time, but I haven't been able to do so. I always make a mistake somewhere. I don't really want to try anymore to get a faster time.


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Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2007, 12:44:18 pm »
I have very few records, so I chose these ones:

My Best record:
  Emerald Coast - Sonic: I know Act 1 was not very good, but from last checkpoint (41.2x) to the capsule went really well, so I chose this one as my best record.

My Worst record:
  Sky Deck - Sonic: For some reason I think 1:11 or even 1:10 is possible.
still can't believe what I did in 2007

Offline Mo

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2007, 09:55:12 pm »
Here are some of my best and worst records

Top Three

Sand Oasis Diehard Challange  29:63 (SSR)

I was the first one to figure out how to time attack this mission in under sub 30,but with a bit of luck in this mission I can easily get under 0:29:50.

 Pirate  Storm Boss Battle Captain Bemoth 0:46:73 (SSR)

This was one of the records that I holded for a extremely long time,but with a bit of luck on this boss I can easily get under 46 seconds.

Chaos 1 Boss Battle 21:58 (SADX)

This record was done by pure luck,but if I find a new way to beat this boss faster I will do it!

Bottom Three

Pirate Storm Mission 1 3:45:78 (SSR)

Even with the Crest of Wind I can't seem to speedrun this level!But, One day I will figure out how to do it.

Twinkle Park Circut Knuckles 1:55:45 (SADX)

I thought this was a great time,but I never knew that it was possible to get 30 seconds lower!

City Escape Mission 1 2:45:77 (SA2 Battle)

I thought this wasn't really bad,but practicing with the spindash jump can cut off a huge amount of time in this mission.
Shortcuts I have discovered: SSR Skeleton Dome Mission 12 Gate ditch, SA2 Battle: spring dodge.

Offline Stefan

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2007, 10:49:57 pm »
Here are some of my best and worst records

Top Three

Sand Oasis Diehard Challange  29:63 (SSR)

I was the first one to figure out how to time attack this mission in under sub 30,but with a bit of luck in this mission I can easily get under 0:29:50.

I got 29.31 the same day you got 29.63.. it didn't really take luck.

You didn't figure out "how" to ta the mission under 30, you just got it under 30. Surely getting a 29.95 when I have a 30.03 is not discovering some revolutionary technique.

Offline eggFL

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2007, 11:57:56 pm »
Oh cool topic! I will do it too since I actually *gasp* have records.

Disclaimer: I can and will be proud of Sonic06 records.


Wave Ocean, Sonic, 100000 points - Read it and weep. 100,000 points. That's all there is to it, really... that's just sweet.

Kingdom Valley Hard, Sonic, 529 rings - Over 200 rings less than my Kingdom Valley Normal stat, but still a record by a wide margin in such a long and treacherous stage - to hold those rings through the hard mode versions of Silver's area and the highspeed section.

Radical Train Hard, Sonic, 478 rings - I am proud of this one because I even remember how intense it was to get all the rings I did in the first area before the train crashes. And not only that, I managed to keep them all through the highspeed section and ended with only 15 rings fewer than I did in my normal Radical Train stat.

Dusty Desert Hard, Silver, 68970 - I spent a bit of time in this stage and made it one of my niches... but now this is the only record of mine that remains in all Dusty Desert Silver entries, so yea I'm proud of this and it stood the test of time. Comment indicates that I got the trick shot on my first attempt (perhaps after destroying the vases first) and that I was man enough to avoid the golems as Amy instead of being lured in by the false promise of an extra 2000 points. That's pretty cool.

Flame Core Hard, Sonic, 83620 - A record by a wiide margin, and not a placeholder but an ideal run, without getting hit and my balls were so large that I went ahead and defeated 2 golems in the Knuckles area.

Radical Train, Sonic, 105580 - I remember watching with great interest and awe at RPG's Radical Train score run, only to later begin to realize that there was nothing particularly insane about his run, neither was there anything I couldn't do, either. I ended up beating his score, apparently doing it slower than his, but making up for it by getting a ton more rings than he did, to beat his score by a small margin... this is mostly thanks to handling the highspeed section much better. RPG has since never gotten around to taking back this stage.

Mission 6, Shadow, 43110 - I believe this is the record I attained by getting confused between the town missions and writing down the incorrect record to beat. I ended getting a score well over the current record (back then anyway) .. which I got merely by trying to do this run getting everything and without making any mistakes. I don't know if some of these are my best records, but I'm definitely proud of them, and the fact remains that they are still not beaten.


Babylon Garden, 2:31:15 - I don't remember what exactly went wrong here, but going by my comment, ("I made 50 mistakes") it must have been a lot more than just the last jump. The last jump is what I remember most specifically however... it's definitely possible to get an X-rank trick on that ramp, but I could not pull it off with any consistency and apparently have no idea what needs to be done specifically to keep it from failing. The last jump is what kept me from bothering to perfect the rest of the run, but I find it quite unsettling that this is my ONLY time attack record in the game that hasn't been beaten yet. (to boot, my only Race record is also for Babylon Garden... ew)

Wave Ocean, Silver, 73880 - As my comment on the record indicates, I lost a score bonus for killing the invisible crabs properly. Considering that this is a short stage and I have the record by such a small margin, this can be taken relatively easily. Unless people actually don't wait for a score bonus at the very start of the stage...

Kingdom Valley, Sonic, 125450 - My time bonus was not even 4000, meaning that anyone who doesn't hurry can go and defeat everything and get all the rings before the highspeed section to get a much higher, "slow" score much like Aquatic Base Sonic. (even though nobody did and my record still stands by such a large margin)

and finally: very many much of my Sonic06 records aren't groundbreaking or are easily beatable but still haven't yet, quite apparently because simply nobody bothered to try, at least not with enough serious effort.

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Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2007, 10:23:33 am »
Best 5 (fave to least fave of these 5)

NGH1 - S (24'45) (SAdva)
Running against Taco's record because I was OCD about getting all the first-zone-first-act records was one of the most rewarding runs I've ever made, as well as being the longest I've ever worked on a single level, with the exclusion of SAing with Knux...  All the credit for the strat and everything go to Taco, as it's his run I duplicated to get this time

GH1 - duh (0:24) (S1)
Again, I was wanting all the FZFA (yes, I'm going to abbr. it... get over it) records to call my own, and I just watched/followed the TAS strat until it came together... First one to pull it off, and while no one believed me for awhile, others have since grabbed it...  it's the second time I proved something was possible and others have followed me ^_^

EHZ1 - S (0:18) (S2)
Probably the run with the most restarts due to stupid hit-detection bullshit to try to dupe the TAS run.  Fourth hardest run I've pulled off and absolutely the last time I'll TA this level.  I decided to get this when I heard the new TAS was another second faster on the clock...  the only reason I was satisfied with my previous run was because it was a second slower than the TAS, so I had to go fix it...  took nearly as long as NGH1, but I only put about 7 hours a day into it, so it fell in a couple weeks.  Already had the FZFA, but I was trying to further it

AR2 - Both (0:36 / 0:33) (S2)
Luck runs, with the second route being mine.  'Botnik to die on the frame I want was a chore, but I got the latter in sub-50 runs.  Only truely proud because the route was my discovery and I was also the one to optimise it ^_^

LS1R - B (619) (Rush)
Really lucky run, and it was the easiest way I could think to get a run that had "unbreakable platinum" written on it...  I can't TA the game, so I had to settle for this for my FZFA for Rush...

Worst 5: (Shitty to just plain wrong)

Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

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Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2007, 03:01:59 pm »
Sure, what the hell. Of course all my good records are pretty much gone now, and I don't really remember alot of details about my other records, so I'll just do the memorable ones

In no special order

Best 5

1. Sadv Neo Green Hill 1 - Sonic (359) - HAHA I can get to the secret island, and you can't! lawlawlawlawlawl

2. Sadv Neo Green Hill 1 - Tails (0:29:80) - subbing 30 seconds with Tails was a bitch. A bitch I'll never forget

3. Sadv Secret Base 1 - Sonic (0:39:45) - A very good run alltogether. My one only complaint was near the end, where I felt the airdash could of been a little faster, though it probably wouldn't of made a difference to sub 39. After that's achieved though, I really don't see this time getting any lower than that

4. Sadv2 Leaf Forest 2 - Sonic (0:31:97) - What? I still have a Sonic record in advance 2? Amazing!

5. SPA Cosmic Casino - Sonic (0:24:27) - Because I pwn this level, bitch

Worst 5

1. S3&K Lava Reef 1 - Knux (1:33) - Honestly, I was never content with this time. You can even see in the video numerous mistakes. I was aiming for a time of sub 1:30, but when I spent another hour trying to record it without success, I called it a day and just uploaded this instead. It's not that bad, but I can't help but feel that a time of 1:28 can be achieved if no flaws were to be made

2. Sadv Ice Mountain 1 - Sonic (0:47:63) - Again, the time is good, but I wasn't content with it, as I knew for a fact that the beginning could be faster after I accidently pulled off an uber 1337 trick involving invincibilty power up and spikes. I'm sure sub 45 is possible with perfection, and if I were ever to pick up advance again, this would be one of the first records I would try to improve, no doubt

3. Sadv Secret Base 2 - Sonic (1:09:00) - This time, I really studied the hell out of this level, as it was the last record I submitted to the site. However, while the run went well and smooth as a fox, the boss didn't. Could easily cut a couple seconds off of this time, and who the hell knows, maybe with absolute perfection and dedication a 1:05 could be accomplished

4. SADX Ice Cap - Tails (1:31:85) - I'm really confused this time. I honestly had no idea what I was doing when I did this run (apart from the ramp jump of course), but I had no idea how to take the curves or any little trick to maintain the highest of speeds to achieve the fastest of times, so I am very surprised this is still a record. I say you're all just lazy

5. Any other time I have that used to be a record : /

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Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2007, 10:04:25 pm »
4. Sadv2 Leaf Forest 2 - Sonic (0:31:97) - What? I still have a Sonic record in advance 2? Amazing!
Yeah well I have no idea how to get close to even sub 33 so that that time migth last for a long time.

Ok then lets see now.....

Top 5

SADV 2: Leaf Forrest 1 Sonic: 28:88 A sub 29.Rather a great achievement

SADV 2: Hot Crater Act 1/2 Sonic: I like the fact that both times are the same and world record.
I also like the fact that one of them(I forgot which) is close to a time done in a TAS by nitjutsa(like his TAS)

StF Robotnik's Hanger Amy: The only remaining record in the game and pwns.

SADV 1:Casino Paradise Act 2 Amy:Like it because a few tries after watching the video I got the record.

SADV2:Egg Saucer Sonic 0:16:67 I like this because well yeah....

Worst 5

StF: Basically all of them exept that amy record>_>

Sonic 2 Death Egg Knux: This boss is hard have no idea on how to make it better.

SADV3 Nonagrression: Yeah....

Sonic 1 Green Hill 1:That 24 is just taunting me >=(
No but really Final Zone and that 1:13 being my only record in time attacking for that game
is kinda cheap.

Any blue yellow or green scores.
PM me for Discord info!
Super Smash Brothers 64 - Look out for Combo Blaze on Kaillera!
Civilization V, Oldschool Runescape, Ragnarok Online (iRO), Touhou games.

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Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2007, 10:49:03 pm »
Ok, here is some of my records goods and worsts (Sonic Adventure DX)

THE GOOD: (Top 5)             

1- Casinopolis Tails 0:10.75, All it obtains it perfectly, the jump of the crossing obtains it in the first attempt, and a good fall of capsule in the end.

2- E-102mkII 2:07.40, I learn this of mike89, I did it in the first attempt after which I learn, was very easy and I believe that 2:08 or 2:09 is possible easily (and 2:10???)

3- Final Egg Sonic 953 Rings - 10790 Points, The truth was incredible because of 692 previous ring and 7760 points, it improves 261 ring and 3030 points, I could not say randoms because there is like 15 in all the level, but many they gave 40 to me.

4- Sky Deck Tails 0:23.75, This I do not like much, because the truth is that this for my was the maximum that I could do, but is not thus for some because F-Man did this in 0:23.20,  I dont know if in DC is more easy to do it...

5- Egg Hornet Sonic 0:25.78, This is the worse thing, I cant beat this, SM did this in 0:25.01, maybe in DC is more easy (like in the 4-), my times averages are of 0:25.78 - 0:25.88, I needed to find a method to improve this time…

THE WORST: (Top 5)

1- Egg Hornet Tails 1:03.30, There is a method in this boss, when you hit the second time to him, you can go for above (turning the tail), and you can hit he again, I dont know how making it, I needed that somebody me says it, with that I can improve to 45…

2- Lost World Sonic 600 Rings, In this level I lose very many ring in the cascade, Maybe I had obtained 640 or 650...

3- Speed Highway Knuckles 0:13.60, I hate this, whenever I want to do this, the places of emeralds are bad, but as says SM, in this level there is 1-270 possibilities that obtain the best places…

4- Ice Cap Tails 1:38.30, Damn! , in this level almost never did this greats shortcuts, I can take this to 1:36 or 1:35...

5- Windy Valley Gamma 7:06.36 I hate this level!!, obvious this fact in DX version, in DC is obtained easily from 10:00.00 to 11:00.00, my DC this defeat now, but maybe I download the Sonic Adventure for PC

Very good it devises the one of topic, I already put goods and bads of my records...

Also it will try to improve the bad ones...

Good bye for now Sonic =(

Offline Crowbar

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2007, 08:21:41 am »
I was going to put Blaze LS1 as my worst record, because that level is a bastard to TA as Blaze and it could be like a million times better, but I just found out that Ben took the record. :( Still not sub-40 though. :P

Mirage Road 2 Blaze rings is also a contender, because I just got lucky.

As for best...Emerald Hill 2 Sonic? I dunno, it's the only (joint) time record I hold in any game other than Rush, and I was just really happy that I figured out and executed the strat to my liking for once.

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Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2007, 09:33:24 am »
5- Windy Valley Gamma 7:06.36 I hate this level!!, obvious this fact in DX version, in DC is obtained easily from 10:00.00 to 11:00.00, my DC this defeat now, but maybe I download the Sonic Adventure for PC

Remember that I have 10 minutes, but I have the GC version.  On a more noticeable note, yoshifan has 11:12 and he doesn't own a DC.  All you need to do is figure out what to do, and it's not too difficult once you figure it out.

Offline Mo

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2007, 03:40:08 pm »
Here's another of my records

Night Palace Mission 2 Beat Uhu to the Goal 0:19:03

This was the craziest run ever because with a lot a luck and the use of speedbreak in the right places I maxed this level out to the extreme.

This record gets added on to my best records.
Shortcuts I have discovered: SSR Skeleton Dome Mission 12 Gate ditch, SA2 Battle: spring dodge.

Offline Stefan

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2007, 05:58:32 pm »
Maxed to the extreme? :o

New Record: Stefan got 0:18:90 on SSR / Times / Night Palace (Mission 2)

Offline Zeupar

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Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2007, 02:57:25 pm »
2. Sadv Neo Green Hill 1 - Tails (0:29:80) - subbing 30 seconds with Tails was a bitch. A bitch I'll never forget


Also, mine in no particular order...

Best ten

-Sonic Advance - Ice Mountain Act 2 - Sonic I pwned Robotnik.

- Sonic Advance - Neo Green Hill Act 1 - Tails - 0:29:38 The new shorcut is so awesome! (:

- Sonic Advance - Secret Base Act 2 - Knuckles - 1:10:68 This run was quite good and I even vidded it. :D

- Sonic Advance - Egg Rocket Act 1 - Tails - 726 rings I will upload the vid too. The end is lol.

- Sonic Advance - Casino Paradise Act 2 - Knuckles - 411 rings :O

- Sonic Advance - Egg Rocket Act 1 - Tails - 120.500 points Yeeeahhh! I will upload the vid as well.

- Sonic Advance 2 - Egg Bomber Tank - Amy - 0:14:37 Luckiest.Run.Eva.

- Sonic Advance 2 - True Area 53 - 0:56:43 When I played this boss for first time it took me ages to defeat him, but after some practice... Unfortunately I was not recording. :(

- Sonic Advance 2 - Aero Egg - Knuckles - 0:06:37 Maxed.

- Sonic Advance 2 - Egg Saucer - Amy - 0:33:85 You can see my strategy in the video I uploaded and still I am ten seconds ahead the second on this chart. 0_0

Worst five

- Sonic Advance - Cassino Paradise Act 2 - Sonic - 0:57:15 This record is easily beatable if you get a lucky boss fight.

- Sonic Advance - Angel Island Act 1 - Amy - 325 rings Someone should max this.

- Sonic Advance - Cosmic Angel Act 2 - Amy - 251 rings Simply a shitty record.

- Sonic Advance - Cosmic Angel Act 2 - Amy - 27.700 points Same as above.

- Sonic Advance - Secret base Act 2 - Sonic - 29.600 points To get over 30K is not that hard...
« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 07:00:44 pm by Zeupar »
Fail collection: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
:o - :O - X) - :D

Offline Mo

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2007, 08:23:35 pm »
I working on a bunch of secret rings mission and all my new stats if I do them will be up in about two days and I'm also happy that you aren't competing in sonic heroes and shadow the hedgehog stefan.
Shortcuts I have discovered: SSR Skeleton Dome Mission 12 Gate ditch, SA2 Battle: spring dodge.

Offline SuperSonic94

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Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2007, 10:19:18 pm »
Remember that I have 10 minutes, but I have the GC version.??  On a more noticeable note, yoshifan has 11:12 and he doesn't own a DC.??  All you need to do is figure out what to do, and it's not too difficult once you figure it out.

Yes, Now I have 11:04.98, And DC has nothing in this :P, the method is using the checkpoints... heheh!
Good bye for now Sonic =(

Offline Azure

Re: Your best and worst records.
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2007, 09:15:19 pm »
If we're talkin world records then I only have two...
Sand Hill- Sonic: 18000 points.
Sand Hill-Tails: 16470 points.
Both of these I am really proud of, but they both can probably go a little higher (by time score or combo.)
The absolute most for Sonic is x53 and Tails is x50 or x51. (I think I missed some on both)


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